Afentis Forensics is accredited by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and also the Bar Standards Board to offer free CPD lectures and courses covering investigations and using forensic science to prepare for court proceedings.
All CPD lectures provide Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credits and are designed to bring textbook theory to life through CASE STUDIES and practical demonstrations. Watch as a computer hard drive is forensically cloned, deleted text messages are retrieved from a mobile telephone, fingerprints are lifted from an exhibit, study ballistic markings under a compound microscope. Free CPD lectures are designed to be both accessible and practical, subject content can be tailored from introductory to advanced level. Ideal for investigating authorities, advocates, solicitors and professionals interested in gaining an understanding of the capabilities of forensic science.
Popular CPD lecture courses include the following subjects:
- introduction to forensic computing – from indecent imagery to complex fraud
- the evolution of DNA testing for investigative and legal purposes
- contemporary firearm examination techniques and future capabilities
- chemical analysis of contraband and valuation of illegal substances
- mobile telephone evidence, SIM card cloning, and telephone tracking (cell site analysis)
- understanding forensic Best Practice and relevant case law
- presenting forensic evidence through expert reports and expert witness testimony
- a guide to useful forensic resources available to investigative and legal professionals
- a forum to ask questions and discuss related topics
Free CPD Lecture
All attendees qualify for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credits and are issued a certificate of attendance.
We offer flexible hosting arrangements for free cpd lectures to suit your needs – at a variety of locations across the UK, including London, Birmingham, Manchester and Bristol.
As well as offering the course to attendees at scheduled venues we are also can provide free cpd lectures in-house tailored services to professionals within your firm or local authority.
CONTACT US to discuss your needs and schedule a FREE CPD lecture